Monday 22 July 2013

Induced early menopause.

I'm absolutely terrified.

Possible side effects: ache, hot flushes, blood pressure changes, depression, hair loss, headaches, joint pain, lowering of bone density liver problems, mood changes and weight gain.

As most of you know, I was diagnosed with severe stage Endometriosis at just 20 years old. Due to the fact I've had 3 major operations, my surgeon doesn't want to operate for a while due to the fact multiple operations can cause fibrous tissue which can cause pelvic pain.   I am now being put through an induced early menopause via Zolodex injections  to try and reduce the pain that the Endometriosis is causing me.

I have to have the Zolodex injections once a month for a maximum of 6 months. This treatment can lower bone density and due to my battle with Anorexia, I already have a condition known as Osteopenia. My Surgeon said I am at very high risk of Osteoporosis and I have to have twice yearly DEXA scans, along with strong calcium supplements.

I think the main worry for me is the possible weight gain associated with this treatment. As a recovering Anorexic, the prospect of further weight gain distresses me greatly. I guess I'm at the stage in my life where I either choose weight gain and health or ill health and misery. The anorexic voice screams at me constantly: "don't eat that, you don't need that, look at the calories, you can barely exercise, don't you dare eat that; worthless, fat." The other voice whispers, "it's weight gain and health; you need the energy, you deserve to eat, you have to eat; if you don't eat, you will die."

It's a constant battle and exhausts me greatly. I never thought I would have to contend with extreme physical pain along with the Anorexia, Depression and Anxiety.

I guess I need to be brave. I want my life back. Anorexia took my life away and nearly took my life. I want to study, I want to be a Mummy one day and I want to train to be a Psychologist. I want to travel the world, I want to do some charity work in Africa; I want to smile, laugh and most importantly live. Anorexia will never give me that. Ever.

I have to find my inner strength to deal with this harsh treatment option. Side effects and a better quality of life or pain and no quality of life? I know which one I want.

Love Kerry x

1 comment:

  1. My Mum received Zoladex treatment a couple of years back. She had endometriosis too and was only given a partial hysterectomy at 26 (she should have had a full one). Having Zoladex and having the treatment completed was the best thing she ever did. :)
